Desde mi ventana
Marianela Soto


Madre Tierra, ¡qué hermosa eres!
Te vistes de colores envidiables
Estallas en amor y creatividad colorida por tus hijas
Te contemplo desde dentro
Y la luz rojiza de este glorioso atardecer me salpica
Deseo ser una contigo Madre bella
Y quisiera salir de mi encierro
Y gritar por todo el mundo que eres seno materno
Que nos amas y pintas nuestras vidas de armonía
Que mereces que te cuidemos con ternura
Que renunciemos de una vez
a violentarte con nuestras sombras
Madre mía…Si, lo entiendo
Es mejor que yo deje de mirarte desde mi ventana
Y salga en tu defensa
Aunque pinte de rojo tu atardecer con mi sangre.

From my window
Marianela Soto


Mother Earth, how beautiful you are!
You dress in blessed colors
You burst with love and colorful creativity for your children
I contemplate you from here
And the reddish light of this glorious sunset splashes over me
I wish to be one with you beautiful mother
And I would like to get out of my confinement
And declare to the entire world that you are a maternal womb
That you love and paint our lives in harmony
That you deserve that we take care of you with tenderness
That we give up at once
the violence we enact upon you with our shadows
My goodness…Yes, I understand
It is better that I stop looking at you from my window
And come to your defense
Though I paint your sunset red with my blood.

Respond Button
Thank you, Marianela Soto, for responding to the public call for poem seeds and sprouts! Every voice matters. Everything counts.
The photos used on this page were taken and provided by Marianela Soto.