Identifying Independence by Eline Kaneko

School: SDA

“The reason why I painted this is to show a strong independent woman, that through all the things she went through, it has made her stronger and more wiser than before. Take a good look at how all the women who went through nuclear testing and Project 4.1, going through these traumatizing experiences, the embarrassment, the shame, and the confusion, for which they thought they were receiving “help.” Women are strong, powerful and fearless. Women shouldn’t have lower privilege cause of gender or cause “its a man job.” Women are powerful and had to fight for freedom due to the de-classified files “Project 4.1.””

In August 2022, Agam Agenda joined the nonprofit organization Jo-jikum for their Climate Change and Health Arts summer camp. The youth of the Marshall Islands gathered together to explore the interconnections of natural habitats, climate change impacts, and community health through the arts. Jo-jikum (which means your home in Marshallese) is led by Kathy Jetn̄il-Kijiner, cultural ambassador of the Climate Vulnerable Forum and Marshallese poet. Read more.

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