About the Mural

This mural sprouted in Kidrosono Stadium, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Lines used in the mural are from native nostalgia, a prelude to the now by Malebo Sephodi from South Africa. This mural was created by Tamarra with collaborator, Bodhi IA.

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Tamarra (b. Tasikmalaya, West Java, 1989) is a self-taught artist who is now studying at the University of Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta, majoring in history. Tamarra moved to Yogyakarta in 2008 and worked as a street busker until 2013. Between 2011-2013, Tamarra joined an arts project titled Makcik Project which initiated a personal work in the field of visual arts. Tamarra’s works discusses the issues of gender and sexuality, the histories of transgender in Indonesia, religion and humanity. Tamarra has been involved in various arts projects and exhibitions, among them (selected): Ancient MSG (2015) at Gertrude Contemporary, Australia, Unsung Museum (2016-2017) at Roh Projects in Jakarta and Ruang Gerilya (Bandung); ‘Calabai Janggeng’, a collaborative research presentation with Emma Frankland on Bissu, commissioned by British Council 2019; Biennale Jogja XV – Ekuator #5: ‘Do we live in the same playground?’ (2019); and Jakarta Biennale 2021 ESOK.