The Orbit of Nature
by Pen Cosio

When did we break away from the orbit of nature?

Guide the hands that crave your busy work.
Only consume ‘til the demise of veins.
Value you have to the common clerk–
unfathomably fickle.

breaking bonds of brittle bones
humans done you sore with homely stones
crippling corruption of the crashing caves
ungrateful men, take as they taste.

Punish as you shall– pay no mind–
Appalling humans were unkind.
Turn the tides that you deem as must– correct
the unjust.

Quick, gently nudge a gentle soul
With a whisper, reveal what you seek.
A concern for nature quietly calls.
Nature’s orbit beckons.

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Thank you, Pen Cosio, for responding to the public call for poem seeds and sprouts! Every voice matters. Everything counts.
Photo used on this page is from the collection of Agam Agenda.