Horse on a High Cliff
Solana L. Perez


My horse is standing on a precipice, his ears additional peaks in the view,
Glaring like snow in the noonday sun,
While I squint into the distance between them, sweating and burning in the heat.


Come on, horse. Let’s get a move on. Stop staring at nothing.


I wonder what fills his head in this stillness.
Is it the ghosts of his herd down there in that valley? His parents died four years ago, buried in a landslide.
Does he want to return to the wild? Life is hard out there, I think at him.
You’ll have no shelter during the storms, and the grass no longer grows in the dry months.


The cliff beneath his feet starts to crumble, and with a snort he finally turns away.
If only there were trees then we could have had some shade, I think, and the soil wouldn’t be so loose.


Too late for thinking, the edge we stood on has already fallen down the mountain,
And we’re moving now.

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Thank you, Solana L. Perez, for responding to the public call for poem seeds and sprouts! Every voice matters. Everything counts.
Photos used on this page were provided by Solana L. Perez.