When is Now
Daniel Macmillen Voskoboynik


do these bodies know their ways any longer?
do our ways remember our bodies?
do these voices still hold their breath?

here, in our shattering sanctuaries
a convergence of languages is finding its fluency
the broken blossom, the heavier wave,
the wound too wide for a wound

as grief engulfs the ritual, skies exhale calendars of ending
place your palm on this stretched season: listen, for
attention is memory in motion, a rigour of returning

against the havoc of stubborn silence
world, that is love, that is you
bless what haunts into healing

This poem sprouted in Russia. Highlighted lines above are from “Our Bodies Remember” by Wangũi wa Kamonji in Kenya.
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Thank you, Daniel Macmillen Voskoboynik, for responding to the public call for poem seeds and sprouts! Every voice matters. Everything counts.

Seeds that grew from this sprout