
John Edmark Bonje


In a world beset by a changing sky,
Where nature’s harmony begins to die,
A tale unfolds of our planet’s plight
A solemn warning, a call to make it right.

Humanity’s footprint, heavy and deep,
As we exploit the Earth with careless sweep,
But hope remains amidst this dire hour,
If we unite, we hold the power.

Let us weave a tapestry of green,
Where compassion and action convene,
Embrace sustainable choices, large and small,
To heal our planet, together we stand tall.

For the winds of change are blowing strong,
A chance to right the things gone wrong,
Let this be our legacy, a future bright,
Where harmony is restored, and all is set right.

This poem sprouted in the Philippines, in response to “Storm” by Ma. Isobel Ocao in the Philippines.
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Thank you, John Edmark Bonje, for responding to the public call for poem seeds and sprouts! Every voice matters. Everything counts.