
Ma. Isobel Ocao


Along the esplanade of Sunset Boulevard in the quaint city of Dapitan be known
When the lavender tint of Lambayong flowers infuse the break of dawn.

I stood bemused gazing at the pristine pair,
Of majestic-winged Tulabong suspended in midair
Behold a glorious sight!
Of a touchdown from a long endured flight.

The sea is placid, its silence befitting meditation,
The sea breeze hums and whispers a secret inspiration.
As I laze around on the beach with a picturesque imagination,
Such a fine day to discover a charming destination.
Then by sudden change, without warning!
The sea rages be alarmed from tumultuous foams be calmed.
Its depth churned into a fearful swirl
Of a dark foreboding sent shivers to a thrill
Struck! I stood dumbfounded brought to a standstill…

How can a celestial view become so monstrous on cue?
Out of nowhere a fearful force one cannot fathom stared straight at you.
I rushed to seek refuge underneath a dilapidated cottage made of wood
In the silence of a prayer I envisage the omnipotent, DEAR GOD!

Then by mystical stroke of a wand, serenity unfolded into the sand.
The same pair of white-feathered Tulabong pranced and frolic
To a purple green Lambayong poised and stoic.

Joie de vivre! Yes fickle like a woman the joy of life reborn.
Do not dare scorn a STORM when it looms in the horizon,
Though tempered by the seasons, a piece of TRANQUILITY
For a while is allowed to RETURN…

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Thank you, Ma. Isobel Ocao, for responding to the public call for poem seeds and sprouts! Every voice matters. Everything counts.

Sprouts that grew from this seed