Storm’s Symphony

Elisa Tanganim

Storm’s symphony, nature’s verse,
Dapitan’s essence, where dreams immerse.
Tulabong’s flight, a celestial affair,
Whispered prayers, cradled in the air.

Calm sea’s embrace, meditation’s gift,
Secrets murmured, their essence adrift.
Abrupt metamorphosis, tempest’s plea,
Turmoil awakens, a dance on the sea.

Shelter sought, ‘neath timeworn eaves,
Whispers of solace, as one believes.
Mystical brushstroke, serenity reborn,
Tulabong’s ballet, nature’s grace adorned.

Transient elation, life’s fleeting waltz,
Storm’s enigma, where courage exalts.
Tranquil respite, a momentary return,
Nature’s response, melodies to discern.

Pebbles cascade, forging new paths,
A response emerges, as imagination bathes.
Unique and fresh, this poem anew,
Crafted for you, as dreams pursue.

This poem sprouted in the Philippines, in response to “Storm” by Ma. Isobel Ocao in the Philippines.
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Thank you, Elisa Tanganim, for responding to the public call for poem seeds and sprouts! Every voice matters. Everything counts.