Las venas del río.
Gloria Carolina Fiallo Cardona


Agua que recorres pesares, secreto del presente tímido
Poseído por las lágrimas de tus mujeres, recorres la tierra de los olvidos recordados.
Riegas la semilla del perdón agrietado.

Emparamas en lo sagrado.
Entrelazas la muerte viva recorriendo páramos y selvas

-Un bocachico le cuenta historias al guacamayo-

¿Cuándo veremos el diástole y sístole del río?

Un humano grita: Abran las compuertas para darle paso al futuro (inerte).

Aunque hoy el tucán anunció
De aquí en adelante cada día es hoy.
Cada día del pasado también es hoy.


Listen to the poem read out loud by the author

River veins
Gloria Carolina Fiallo Cardona

Water that flows through sorrow,
you are the timid present’s secret.
Possessed by the tears of women,
you trace the memory of the earth’s forgetting,
water the seeds of cracked forgiveness as
we pick our way into sacred tundra.


As death and living intertwine, you follow
uplands of paramo and forest, but
-As the bocachico fish tells tales to the macaw-
when will we see the diastole and systole of the river?
A human shouts: Open the sluice gates, give way
to the future (inert).


Even as the toucan announces
From here on each day is today
Each day gone past is also today.

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This poem sprouted in Bogotá, Colombia. Highlighted lines above are from “When will we tire of waiting?” by Yewande Omotoso in South Africa.

Sprouts that grew from this seed

Gloria Carolina Fiallo Cardona. Mujer nacida en Bogotá. Arquitecta, investigadora y cuidadora del agua. Master en planificación urbana y del territorio y candidata a Doctora en Urbanismo. Habita entre mundos y realidades diversas en donde desde la arquitectura se interesa por crear vínculos ecológicos multiespecies. Enfocada en la coexistencia mediante el diseño de procesos biodiversos desde el agua.


Born in Bogotá, Gloria Carolina Fiallo Cardona is an architect, researcher, and caregiver of water. She has a Master’s degree in urban and territorial planning and is a candidate for a PhD in Urban Planning. She lives between different worlds and realities where architecture meets multispecies ecological links. She is focused on coexistence through the design of biodiverse processes from water.

Photo used on this page were provided by Gloria Carolina Fiallo Cardona.